End of NaBloPoMo!!!

The Prompt:

Winning Streak
What’s the longest stretch you’ve ever pulled off posting daily to your blog? What did you learn from that experience, and what made you break the streak?

The Response:

So, similar to the post yesterday, I must say that my blog is yet a young one. I’ve only had it up and running for about month and a half, so I’m still figuring it all out a bit. Furthermore, this past month was NaBloPoMo (see the picture on the sidebar), so for most of the time I’ve even had this blog I’ve been posting daily (much in part due to the Daily Post prompts), which has helped me figure out what I want to write about, which is everything. You could say that it has been a winning streak—I successfully finished NaBloPoMo! Whoo! And congrats to all of the NaBloPoMo participants: you’ve done such a fabulous job! My next goal is to complete a month of daily posting with more of my own material. It doesn’t help that I usually have to choose between this and homework…homework usually wins. I can’t be graded for this blog.

Now what have I learned? I’ve learned about how easy it is to post daily. This was a nice baby step toward writing something every day. I needed something to motivate me to post like this, though. Since this November event is over, I need to think of something else to make me create a post each day. I could do another NaBloPoMo marathon, but we’ll see. The one thing that would be in my way this time would be that finals are coming up, and I’m getting ready to move out of my apartment so that I can leave the country for the semester. That’s going to be quite a job! You might see me start up a Spain blog page sometime, to help me make sure to record my expeerriences. I’m so forgetful that I wouldn’t remember much if I didn’t do something like that. Plus, posting will be faster than writing my memories by hand. Even when I’m there, I’m not sure that I’ll be able to post every day, but I’ll certainly try to post as often as I can so that I can keep as many of those experiences as possible. I’ll need to set a goal…two or three times per week, as least? Something like that.

Congrats again to our NaBloPoMo blogger extraordinaries! Keep up the wonderful work!



Filed under Prompt Posts

2 responses to “End of NaBloPoMo!!!

  1. Well done! You could set yourself up a schedule, I have one on the sidebar of my blog. There is also thedailypost, which I regularly use when I can’t think of something to write about. Welcome to the world of blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    • quotidianrevision

      Thank you! I probably will take your advice and decide on a reasonable schedule for blogging. Thanks for stopping by and replying to my post, too!


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